Welcome to AFIC, the preferred IT outsourcing provider.

Our Core Services


AFIC's gaming technology provides comprehensive fully integrated solutions to maximise user experience and provide secure and efficient operations. In summary our gaming technology provides the following:


  • User Experience - market leading graphics, animations, virtual and augmented reality to take in-house and online gaming to the next level.
  • Live linked jackpots - live aggregated group jackpots to increase pot sizes to generate exicitement and engagement across all channels, in-house and online. 
  • Blockchain - link and track all customer transactions, both in-house and online, from deposit to cashout. Track all money flow to provide fully transparent operations. 
  • Artificial Intelligence - prevent fraudulent activity with AI & Machine Learning to record, track and alert any suspiceous behaviour.
  • IoT (Internet of Things) - facial recognition to identify and service VIP guests efficiently. Smart video cameras to identify black-listed customers, or spot suspicious gaming behaviour.
  • Big Data - analyse trends and patterns, generate and dispurse secure online KPI dashboards throughout the organisation. Generate prescriptive and predictive analytics, using self-service or data science services, to provide key insights on your business and industry.


AFIC's centralised integrated enterprise systems, for managing your integrated hotes, resorts, casinos and theme parks. 


We remove innefficiences spread across your business or group, by implementing automated business processes. This significantly reduces error and increases productivity. This results in bigger profits, as your employees can focus more time on customer experience and generating revenue. 


AFIC's fully centralised and integrated technology increases effective communication between your group, and allows employees to access information securely from anywhere. 


We empower your business to leverage upon advancing Artifial Intelligence and Machine learning, to further streamline and automate your business, but also provide your customers with personalised experiences they will never forget. 

Integrated Kiosks

AFIC's Kiosks solutions enable integration across the groups front desk, express kiosks, point of sales and customer on-demand, to provide consistent user experience, and increase capability of cross-selling and up-selling through group packages and promotions.


AFIC Kiosk solutions provides the following key solutions: 


  • Kiosk hardware integration - to provide retina or fingerpint scans, facial regocnition, card readers and ticket dispursement.
  • Interactive kiosk services - including touch screen with rich graphics and animation, multi-media and keyboards.
  • Virtual and augmented reality - create eyecatching displays, with virtual and augmented reality user experiences.
  • Self-service - intuitive user experience for customer self-service.
  • Facial recognition - provide personalised user experience for VIP guests or loyalty members. 

Do You Need Help?

Contact us at the AFIC office  or submit a business inquiry online.