Welcome to AFIC, the preferred IT outsourcing provider.

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User Experience

Market leading user experience with eye-catching rich graphic and animation. Taking gaming to a new level with virtual and augmented reality experiences.

Transparent & Secure Operations

World-class technology with Blockchain and Artificial Intellgence. Track and link transactions from deposits to cash out, with transparent operations. Monitor in-house and online activity with Artifificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to record and alert suspiceous behaviour. 

Big Data Insights

View patterns and trends, descriptive, presprective and predictive analytics. Understand customer behaviour and sentiment, and forecast future revenue and profits. 


Taking gaming experience to the next level.

Unique Value Proposition

Virtual & Augmented Reality

Create rich, immersive and interactive user experience with personalised content so customers feel like they are interacting personally with the game. 

Reduce language barriers by deliverying eye-catching displays, e.g. game rules and game eticate. Give customers confidence to play, by providing intiutive hints, tips and winning runs, in a format which is not dependent upon language.

Enhance customers experience to increase enagement with personal and emotional connection, delivering the ultimate gaming experience. 


Track online and in-house transactions across your group into a single blockchain, unlocking the transparency of customer behaviour. Blockchain provides the following key benefits:


  • Blockchain delivers the highest level of financial security
  • Fast cross-border transactions without fees in the blockchain network 
  • Players have full ownership of their money, as this information is registered on the blockchain ledger. The data cannot be tampered with in any way
  • Playable money becomes liquid and easier to manage
  • Blockchain enables P2P transactions
  • Biometric security (enabled by a mobile app).
  • Players can be allowed to borrow money from other players.

Highlight Features

Artficial Intelligence

AFIC's Artificial intelligence specializes particularly in making it easy to record and quickly analyze mountains of surveillance data. This allows casino operators to gain a comprehensive understanding of what’s happening on the casino floor at all times, offering unprecedented insights that can significantly improve player tracking


Build individual player profiles to identify high-value players and habits, for maximum impact when delivering personalised marketing offers and profit opportunities. 


AFIC can empower our casino clients to quickly identify instances of fraud or employee theft as they occur, rather than days, weeks, or even months later when the accounting discrepancy is discovered. This allows casino operators to create a reliable data trail to prove wrongdoing and take decisive action.

Big Data Insights

AFIC's Big Data Insights enables our clients to analyses their player spending, routines, and what games they fancy more than others. By doing so, our solutions helps the house offer their patrons specific incentives that appeals to them, as well as help maximise casino revenues.


This empowers our clients to tailor-make an overall gaming experience which meets individual player preferences.


Our predictive analytics identify trends and patterns of players, in different profiles and clusters, this enables our clients to develop personalise marketing strategies to target new customers.

Facial Recognition

AFIC's Facial Recognition technology can identify customers immediately. This can notify staff of VIP customer arrival to ensure efficient and personalised service, leading a customer to their favorite slot machine, or seat at a live table, where thier favourite drink is waiting for them.


Our Facial Recognition software prevents customer identity theft, ensuring member privealges, accounts and profiles are only unlocked and accessible with sophisticated facial recognition.